I had a bit of nasty shock yesterday: 3 bad reviews. Not that there's anything wrong with that, bad reviews are part of the writer's lot and, once we get over the urge to napalm the reviewer and their entire extended family, if we're sensible we can learn from them.
This time it was different. Somebody calling themselves 'M Hanley' who joined Goodreads this August has flagged that they've read 3 books - my 3 books to be precise - and has awarded each one a 1-star rating, all 3 ratings being posted within 2 minutes on the same day. No written review, no, 'This book sucks because,' just a series of 1 stars.
A bit of research on Google shows I'm not alone and that in most cases this sort of nastiness comes from other publishing houses in an attempt to nobble the opposition. If that's the case with 'M Hanley' then I suppose I should be flattered. I've contacted Goodreads but am not optimistic that they'll do anything about it.
Edit. Having done a bit more research it seems as though I'm not alone and, considering what others have suffered, I got off pretty likely. There's a whole site dedicated to the problem of cyber bullying on Goodreads here http://www.stopthegrbullies.com
Monday, 26 August 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Hard truths about writing and selling books #3. More about agents...
The blogosphere is littered with people shouting, 'I don't need an agent.' Well, up to a point, Lord Copper. Chances are that you do.
Having a good agent on your team takes a lot of the guesswork and learning by mistakes out of the process. Finding a good one with whom you just click isn't easy though. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I did have an agent (nope, still not telling you who it was, nor the name of the agency) but ended up asking to be released from my contract. I then got into discussions with another agent who wanted to add space aliens and/or a supernatural element to a conspiracy thriller. Now I'm all for editorial input, but that was just plain loopy, so I walked away and signed up direct with Mauve Square Publishing.
It's worked out well for me, but without an agent and a big publisher's marketing budget behind you, you end up having to do a lot of the grunt work; marketing, financial, editing etc yourself. And if you have a full-time day job like wot I do, then it kinda cuts into what little time you have for writing.
So, don't give up on the submissions just yet - I know many agents are worth their weight in birdsh*t, but there are some good ones out there.
Having a good agent on your team takes a lot of the guesswork and learning by mistakes out of the process. Finding a good one with whom you just click isn't easy though. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I did have an agent (nope, still not telling you who it was, nor the name of the agency) but ended up asking to be released from my contract. I then got into discussions with another agent who wanted to add space aliens and/or a supernatural element to a conspiracy thriller. Now I'm all for editorial input, but that was just plain loopy, so I walked away and signed up direct with Mauve Square Publishing.
It's worked out well for me, but without an agent and a big publisher's marketing budget behind you, you end up having to do a lot of the grunt work; marketing, financial, editing etc yourself. And if you have a full-time day job like wot I do, then it kinda cuts into what little time you have for writing.
So, don't give up on the submissions just yet - I know many agents are worth their weight in birdsh*t, but there are some good ones out there.
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Hard truths about writing and selling books #2. Agents
Another thing you'll hear wherever you go is that agents are rude/cruel/stupid/arrogant gatekeepers standing
between writers and publishers. Yup, a small minority of them are. However,
most of them are just people like you and me, trying to make a living from
something they once loved - books - and that thanks to an overdose of that
something, now probably hate it. Some horrid, cold facts about agents and
submissions to the dreaded slush pile:
i) You submission will be the 500th the agent has received in
the last hour/day/week. Agents make no money from reading the slush pile, so,
being rational economic beings, they tend to concentrate on the stuff that does
make money, like selling their authors' books to publishers. When it comes to
wading through the thousands of 'Dark and stormy nights' that flood through the
letterbox every day, many of them outsource the job to an intern.
ii) If you are lucky, and I mean really lucky, the intern
may spend 30 seconds reviewing your letter, synopsis and first 3 chapters that
make up the standard submission package. So don't try and be clever, literary
or go for the slow burn. If your book can't hook a bored twenty-something who's
spent all day reading manuscripts written to try and hook him or her, then you
go on the rejection pile. That's why, if the intern gets round to it or can
work out which side of the stamp to lick, you'll get a boiler plate rejection
slip, or more than likely, no reply at all.
iii) Agents do not have time to give detailed feedback on
your book, nor should you expect them to. There’s a very good chance you
wouldn’t like what they have to say about it anyway.
iv) All agents receive threats, nasty letters and e-mails
from writers they've rejected. Nobody likes getting rejection slips, especially
when they've spent months or even years crafting their masterpiece, only to be
told, 'Sorry, not one for us,' but that's no reason to be rude or scary. Grow a
thick skin and move on to your next submission. Unless you've used green ink or
written your submission in the blood of your first-born, the agent has no way
of knowing if you're a bunny-boiler or not, and this is another reason why they
tend to avoid personal communication when it comes to rejections. Mother wants
me to open a motel, by the way.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Hard truths about writing and selling books #1
One question that gets asked all the time is, 'How does a piece of crap like <enter the name of a book you don't like> get published whereas my, ahem, masterpiece just gets rejection slips?' Well, there are a number of reasons:
i) Definitions of what's crap and what's good are pretty subjective - on TV I can't stand soap operas, reality shows or football matches (that's soccer if you're reading this from the USA), yet these genres are among the most watched in the country. So just because I think something stinks, it doesn't mean I'm right. Numbers count, particularly when people are paying: remember, the classifications in the media are called Best Seller Lists, not Best Writer Lists. Moral of the story? There's no accounting for taste.
ii) Your book isn't as good as you think it is. Go back, re-read it, get someone else to proof read it, have it professionally edited. Just because your mum, girlfriend, wife, cat, budgie, significant other etc say it's good, doesn't mean it is.
iii) Getting an agent and then your agent finding you a publisher both involve a huge slice of luck. Talent helps, but even agents and publishers can't forecast reliably what's going to sell. The Harry Potter series, Fifty Shades, Twilight etc were books that took the industry completely by surprise. All dealt with themes that had been done before, but they all had that 'something' that made them best sellers. By the way, I know what it is, but I'm not telling...
iV) Finally, don't ever say, "How did this POS get published?" to your agent. I did once and my agent got very cross, so I had to pretend I didn't mean it. Since then I've fired my agent, but that's private stuff and not for this blog.
i) Definitions of what's crap and what's good are pretty subjective - on TV I can't stand soap operas, reality shows or football matches (that's soccer if you're reading this from the USA), yet these genres are among the most watched in the country. So just because I think something stinks, it doesn't mean I'm right. Numbers count, particularly when people are paying: remember, the classifications in the media are called Best Seller Lists, not Best Writer Lists. Moral of the story? There's no accounting for taste.
ii) Your book isn't as good as you think it is. Go back, re-read it, get someone else to proof read it, have it professionally edited. Just because your mum, girlfriend, wife, cat, budgie, significant other etc say it's good, doesn't mean it is.
iii) Getting an agent and then your agent finding you a publisher both involve a huge slice of luck. Talent helps, but even agents and publishers can't forecast reliably what's going to sell. The Harry Potter series, Fifty Shades, Twilight etc were books that took the industry completely by surprise. All dealt with themes that had been done before, but they all had that 'something' that made them best sellers. By the way, I know what it is, but I'm not telling...
iV) Finally, don't ever say, "How did this POS get published?" to your agent. I did once and my agent got very cross, so I had to pretend I didn't mean it. Since then I've fired my agent, but that's private stuff and not for this blog.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Where have all the buyers gone?
Maybe I was trying to be too clever by half but according to my cunning plan, a big marketing push in late June and early July would be sure to result in lots of book sales as people stocked up on holiday reading matter.
Err, not so fast. The reality has turned out to be just the opposite - sales figures have fallen off a cliff and are at best flatlining - as in single figure sales for a book that sold several thousand in March and April this year.
Anyone else having the same problem?
Err, not so fast. The reality has turned out to be just the opposite - sales figures have fallen off a cliff and are at best flatlining - as in single figure sales for a book that sold several thousand in March and April this year.
Anyone else having the same problem?
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Review of High Finance by Eli Lederman

I've just finished reading this highly unusual but entirely compelling book. The action centres round the equity trading floor of a New York investment bank and there's more backstabbing than the Ides of March.
Here's the 5-star review I posted on Amazon
Having worked in the equity trading division of a large
American investment bank, for me, High Finance made riveting if uncomfortable
reading. The plot teems with egotistical, dysfunctional monsters and if anyone
thinks the author has overdrawn them, believe me he hasn't. People like this
not only exist, they have a nasty habit of elbowing their way to the corner
office. It weaves a saga of underhand office politics, backstabbing and greed,
making it a book that's impossible to put down.
For someone who's never had the misfortune to work in
trading, don't be put off by the technical jargon: the author explains it
in bite-sized, easy to understand pieces and never allows trader-ese to get in the
way of a compelling story.
Click here for the Kindle version High Finance on Amazon.co.uk
Monday, 12 August 2013
Celebrity writers of children's books 'edge out talent' (The Sunday Times, 11 Aug 2013)
An interesting piece from the Sunday Times. The original is behind a paywall here
For some reason Blogger won't allow you to insert a pdf version - almost enough to drive you back to Wordpress - so here's a paste of the text. Read it and weep...
For some reason Blogger won't allow you to insert a pdf version - almost enough to drive you back to Wordpress - so here's a paste of the text. Read it and weep...
market for children’s books is being ruined by celebrities such as Frank
Lampard, Katie Price and Holly Willoughby who force out talented authors, a bestselling
writer has claimed.
Taylor, who has written 14 books, with three being made into films, said “thousands”
of gifted children’s writers were struggling to get into print because
publishers and bookshops wanted household names even though they penned “the
literary equivalent of lift music”.
who has been hailed as a rival to JK Rowling, said he had been “squeezed out”
and turnedhis back on children’s writing. The father of three from Scarborough,
North Yorkshire, added that the children’s
book market was being wrecked by the trend to sign up celebrities regardless of
whether they can write.
have gone for the lowest common denominator,” he said. “It’s not about the days
of Philip Pullman and Philip Reeve, who were bringing out exciting new books
and booksellers were wanting to tell people. Now it’s about big advertising
campaigns and getting on the couch on a television show.”
film of Taylor’s Mariah Mundi and the Midas Box, starring Michael Sheen, is due
out in October, with its sequel filmed shortly afterwards. Production begins
next year on a film of his first book, Shadowmancer. “I feel completely
squeezed out,” Taylor
said. “I don’t stand a cat in hell’s chance of getting published any more. I
have three big films coming out and no children’s publishing deal. How weird is
Taylor was “dubious”
about Lampard’s book, Frankie’s Magic Football: Frankie vs the Pirate
Pillagers. The Chelsea
footballer admits that he came up with characters and story and wrote only “bits”
of it. Willoughby,
presenter of The Voice and This Morning, has written a book with her sister
Kelly, called School for Stars: First Term at L’Etoile. Her website says the
novel “combines Holly’s runaway imagination . . . with Kelly’s creative mind
and love of writing”.
who has published two book series, Perfect Ponies, and Mermaids and Pirates,
admits she is “not a writer” and uses a ghost author.
said: “Book stores want an easy sell. If the celebrity makes an appearance,
they’re going to be guaranteed queues of people. It’s depressing. There are
thousands of talented writers who aren’t getting published.”
Mayo, the Radio 2 presenter, this year launched his second children’s book,
Itch Rocks. He writes his books himself and labelled authors who do not as “ghastly”.
Cunningham, a children’s book publisher who discovered Rowling when he was an
editor at Bloomsbury, said he would not
publish a book just because it had been written by a celebrity. He said there
were some good celebrity authors such as Mayo and the comedian David Walliams.
House, which published Price’s books, said: “If they introduced some children
to the enjoyment of reading, then this can only be a positive thing.”
Blacker, author of the children’s Ms Wiz series, said of Lampard’s book: “Boys
who wouldn’t dream of buying a novel will buy Frank Lampard’s ghosted books.
But children are never fooled. If a book is bad, they’ll give it up— however
big the celebrity.”
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Free paperback giveaway on Goodreads
The first book in the Death to Bankers series is now out in paperback. To win a free copy all you have to do is subscribe to the giveaway on Goodreads.com by clicking on the link below.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Minerva System
by Simon Leighton-Porter
Giveaway ends September 11, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Warm fuzzy
Have just finished moving my site from Wordpress.com to Blogger under my own url. Apart from a minor faff getting the DNS settings sorted out, it all went very smoothly. Not only that, Blogger is sooo much easier to use and renders html far more cleanly. The functionality is far broader even if there's not much to choose between the ease of use.
It reminds me of the happy day when I gave up with Microsoft Office 2007 and its "guess where we've hidden it now" ribbon and reinstalled Office 2003.
It reminds me of the happy day when I gave up with Microsoft Office 2007 and its "guess where we've hidden it now" ribbon and reinstalled Office 2003.
No longer free on Amazon Kindle
The Manhattan Deception is free to download from Amazon Kindle from 1 Aug to 2 Aug.
Afraid I had to pull the giveaway. First day went well (31 Jul) but then something seemed to happen when the new month started. Don't know whether the rankings reset to zero but the downloads suddenly dried up so I pulled the free offer. The good news is that it's still available on Amazon at a ridiculously cheap price.
Afraid I had to pull the giveaway. First day went well (31 Jul) but then something seemed to happen when the new month started. Don't know whether the rankings reset to zero but the downloads suddenly dried up so I pulled the free offer. The good news is that it's still available on Amazon at a ridiculously cheap price.
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